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Gun Control

One huge problem with the gun control debate right now is the lack of research at our disposal. Many arguments are based on facts that are unreliable and inadequate. Our lack of research on gun violence is really hampering any effort at gun control legislation. The lack of extensive gun-violence research dates to the early 1990s. “After two studies funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that a gun in the home is associated with increased risks of homicide and suicide in the home, the NRA pressed a Republican-controlled Congress in 1996 to strip the CDC of the $2.6 million funding for such research. It then succeeded in casting the CDC’s gun research as motivated by support for gun restrictions, getting the following sentence into 1997 legislation: “None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control” (Mantel 1). I find these facts very scary. The CDC found some hard evidence in favor of gun control, and the NRA was able to persuade Congress to make the CDC stop all their research. In the meantime, no one has continued this research. In one of his executive actions, President Obama ordered the CDC to resume their research on gun violence and has asked Congress for $10 million dollars to complete this research. Although this new legislation may not be very strong, it is helping to set the foundation for stronger gun control in the future.


With stronger research and facts behind them, gun control advocates would be able to get their point across to Congress. With new research like the research the CDC is working on, gun control won’t be so controversial anymore. What I’m proposing in my paper is a ban on assault weapons, universal background checks for all owners, and possibly a handguns ban in urban, crime-filled areas. Let’s briefly look at each. First, the assault weapons ban. Honestly, what American needs to own an assault rifle? I don’t see any reasoning behind it. Assault weapons have been used in multiple mass shootings over the past couple of years, and there is absolutely no point in allowing them to be legally owned by American citizens. They are weapons used for war and do not belong in civilian houses. Next, universal background checks for all potential gun buyers. Is this really that hard to do? If a person has a history of crime, he or she doesn’t not deserve to own a gun, simple as that. Private guns dealers continue to sell guns to criminals every day and then we wonder why our crime rate is so high. A simple background check is not much to ask for. Lastly, a handguns bun in urban, high crime areas. Handguns are the most-used gun in urban areas and if they were to be taken off the street, wouldn’t that help bring down gun violence? These are policies that should have been implemented years ago and it is crazy to think they are still not implemented today. This is a brief review of my proposals, please read my essay if you would like to know more.

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